Flight 002/2018
Flight 002/2018
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Season start 2018

Good day dear sports fan!

On May 5th, the RV Aschaffenburg participated in their first prize flight. We entered the race as a group (4 RV’s) this time. Starting in Saverne, 3.459 pigeons from the lofts of 71 fanciers raced over the distance of 189 kilometres.

A strong headwind allowed only 25 pigeons to exceed the speed of 1.200 m/min. 60 of our 94 pigeons reached the prize-winning range, starting with 1., 8., 12., 15., 18., 23., 27., 34., 36., 39. ff
A successful start…

For the upcoming flights I wish all of you a cordial ‘Good flight’!

Eugen Schnarr