
PRINZ and his sister STACY with their 18 x 1st prizes on the “1/2 fond flights” have been warrantors for championships in Belgium and of course also in the province of Limburg. St. & A. Steenbergen played all levels in a masterly manner with the breed of Van Camp-Goovaerts. The basis coming from KLEINE LICHTE (Janssen/A. x Flor Vervoort) was reinforced with the Huyskens-Van Riel via Vandersmissen and has appropriate skills for 400 800 km flights. Moreover, the blood of the Schellens via NATIONAAL I was added.

Passed on pigeons also showed their strength on the SE long distance route without suffering losses in terms of speed on the medium distances. After all, PRINZ and STACY are grandparents to 9 x 1st prizes.



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