13th ACE Pigeon BRD´07, a product of Heinz Meier/Rahden. He justifies his presence on the cover as well. An utmost successful flyer, just like many of his brothers or half-sisters (see News -> Breed: “The legacy of Karel Schellens: Heinz Meier/Rahden”). At first sight, this is no typical Meier pigeon, but a felicitous crossbreed of Louis van Loon – of course, couple 1 x couple 2 – and the indestructible stem Van Hove-Uytterhoeven. Origin: the old Havenith.
Of course, we know the influence of Schellens in couple 1. Also, Van Hove-Uytterhoeven got stronger with Schellens.

13th ACE Pigeon BRD 2007 bred:
AISHA bred with LIONEL:
- 4th Best Pigeon ‘Yearlings’ in the RV ‘15